寶馬 M3 / M4 (G80/G82) <tc>排氣管</tc> 系統
BMW G80/G82 M3/M4 Full Exhaust System - Stainless Steel
BMW G80/G82 M3/M4 Exhaust System - Catted Downpipe - Stainless Steel
寶馬 M3 / M4 (G80/G82) <tc>排氣管</tc> 系統
BMW G80/G82 M3/M4 Exhaust System - Front Pipe - Stainless Steel
BMW G80/G82 M3/M4 Exhaust System - X-Pipe - Stainless Steel
BMW G80/G82 M3/M4 Exhaust System - Mid Pipe - Stainless Steel
BMW G80/G82 M3/M4 Exhaust System - Muffler - Stainless Steel
BMW G80/G82 M3/M4 Exhaust System - Catback System - Stainless Steel
寶馬 M3 / M4 (G80/G82) <tc>排氣管</tc> 系統
寶馬 M3 / M4 (G80/G82) <tc>排氣管</tc> 系統
寶馬 M3 / M4 (G80/G82) <tc>排氣管</tc> 系統
寶馬 M3 / M4 (G80/G82) <tc>排氣管</tc> 系統
寶馬 M3 / M4 (G80/G82) <tc>排氣管</tc> 系統

寶馬 M3 / M4 (G80/G82) 排氣管 系統

Valvetronic Exhaust System

Year 2021 - Present

  • OPF / Non OPF
  • 全球航運
  • 1年保修
Exhaust System

Exhaust Sound

寶馬 M3 / M4 (G80/G82) 排氣管 系統

OEM - Valve Close

OEM - 閥門打開

iPE - 閥門關閉

iPE - Valve Open

Valvetronic Exhaust System

Introducing BMW M3 / M4 (G80 / G82) Exhaust

Other Products for M3 / M4 (G80/G82)

鈦藍 尾飾管(可選)
碳纖維 尾飾管(可選)
鉻黑 尾飾管(可選)


用於 BMW M3 / M4 (G80 / G82) 的 iPE 排氣管 系統的設計和設計旨在發揮已經強大的 S58 發動機的真正潛力。通過增強廢氣流量來最大化性能增益。通過減少排氣限制和平滑氣流,與其 3.0 升 I6 S58 發動機最初臭名昭著的聲音相比,產生了巨大的音調差異。該 iPE 排氣系統在整個系統中採用 T304 不銹鋼手工製作,可減輕 17% (-7.4kg) 的重量。
用於 BMW M3 / M4 (G80 / G82) 的 iPE Valvetronic 系統允許用戶通過 OBD II 手勢控制傳感器、藍牙遠程控制模塊或 OEM Valve 操作來調整排氣音符。此外,我們還提供各種受賽車運動啟發的排氣嘴升級選項。
警告 - 購買前,請確認您的車輛是否為 OPF 版本。謝謝。


▶ 完整的 排氣管 系統:
   ▸ 落水管(可選):
   ▸ 200 格落水管
    ▸ 無貓落水管

▶ Catback 排氣管 系統:
   ▸ 前管
   ▸ X 管
   ▸ 中管
   ▸ Valvetronic 消聲器
  ▸ 鍍鉻銀尖

▶ Valvetronic控制系統:
   ▸ OEM 閥門操作
   ▸ 遠程控制系統(可選)
   ▸ 手勢控制傳感器(可選)

排氣管 提示升級選項:
    ▸ 鉻黑筆尖
  ▸ 鈦藍色筆尖
  ▸ 碳纖維筆尖
警告披露 - 請在安裝前仔細閱讀!

1。安裝過程中的不當調整可能會對 iPE 排氣系統和/或您的車輛造成短期或永久性損壞。請注意,iPE 對車輛的任何損壞不承擔任何責任,如果損壞是由於安裝不當造成的,iPE 產品的保修將失效。如果發生事故、改裝、不當或競爭用途。如果您對安裝 iPE 排氣系統有任何疑問,請聯繫您購買的 iPE 授權經銷商。
2. 製造商、進口商或經銷商對因 iPE 排氣系統安裝或操作不當造成的任何意外損害(包括人身傷害或任何其他損害)概不負責。安裝 iPE 排氣系統時,請確保排氣系統不接觸可能導致其熔化的電線。
3. iPE 排氣管保證 iPE 排氣系統的完整保修期為 1 年 –從發票上註明的購買日期開始。 (保修僅適用於通過 iPE 或 iPE 授權經銷商購買的排氣系統。)
所有電子元件 - 1 年保修。

iPE 200 單元高流量運動型 Cat 管道 - 1 年保修。

Cat 旁路管道(無貓) - 我們建議使用 ECU 調諧,因為我們不會為 CEL 提供保修(檢查發動機燈) 更改為 Cat 旁路管道時。

iPE 排氣管 尾飾管 - 我們強烈建議用戶不要用強酸和強鹼有機溶劑清洗。



如果 iPE 排氣系統是在未授權 iPE 的國家/地區購買的,則保修將不適用。

有關 iPE 保修政策的更多信息:

請注意,iPE 上顯示的所有圖像網站僅供參考和說明用途。實際產品可能會因產品增強或更改而有所不同。 iPE保留對產品進行修改、變更、說明的權利。

WARNING DISCLOSURE - Please read carefully prior to installation!

1. Improper adjustments made during installation may result in short-term or permanent damages to the iPE exhaust system and/or your vehicle. Please note, iPE will not be responsible for any damages to the vehicle, and warranties on iPE product(s) will be voided if the damages occurred due to improper installation.The warranty will also be voided in case of accidents, modifications, improper or competition uses. If you have any questions regarding installing an iPE exhaust system please contact the iPE authorized dealer you purchased from.

2. The manufacturer, importer or dealer shall not be liable for any incidental damage including personal injury or any other damages caused by improper installation or operation of the iPE exhaust system. When installing the iPE exhaust system, please ensure that the exhaust system does not make contact with wires that might cause it to melt.

3. iPE Exhaust guarantees full warranty of iPE exhaust systems for a total period of 1 year – starting from the date of purchase noted on the invoice. (Warranty is only applicable to exhaust systems purchased via iPE or iPE authorized dealers.)

All electronic components – 1 Year Warranty.

iPE 200 Cell High Flow Sport Cat Pipes – 1 Year Warranty.

Cat-bypass Pipes (Catless) - We recommend an ECU tune as we will NOT provide warranty for CEL (Check Engine Light) when changing to Cat-bypass Pipes.

iPE Exhaust Tips - We highly recommend users, DO NOT wash with strong acid and strong based organic solvent.

Warranties are non-transferable.

Warranty is limited to an exchange or repair of the defective part, full system will not be replaced unless required.

Warranty will not be applicable if the iPE exhaust system is purchased in a country where iPE is not authorized.

For more information regarding iPE warranty policy:

Please note, all images shown on iPE’s website are for reference and illustration purposes only. Actual products may vary due to product enhancement or change. iPE reserves the right to revise, change, explain the product.