Porsche 992 Carrera / 4 / S / 4S Exhaust system - Titanium
Porsche 992 Carrera / 4 / S / 4S Exhaust system - Titanium - 2
Porsche 911 Carrera / 4 / S / 4S (992)(钛)<tc>排气管</tc> 系统

Porsche 911 Carrera / 4 / S / 4S (992)(钛)排气管 系统

Year 2019 - Present

  • 全球运送
  • 1年保修

Exhaust Sound

Porsche 911 Carrera / 4 / S / 4S (992)(钛)排气管 系统

OEM - Valve Close

OEM - Valve Open

iPE - Valve Close

iPE - Valve Open

Introducing Porsche 992 Carrera Exhaust

Other Products for 911 卡雷拉 / 4 / S / 4S (992)

Porsche 992 Carrera / 4 / S / 4S Titanium 排气管 系统产品描述

标志性的飞线和优雅的车顶线条自 1963 年以来一直是保时捷 911 Carrera 的特色。2018 年,保时捷发布了其最新的 911 Carrera,即 992。保时捷 911 Carrera / 4 / S / 4S 的 iPE 排气管 系统(992) 的设计和制造旨在增强气流并最大限度地提高性能。突出其涡轮增压六缸发动机的 排气管 音符。此 iPE 排气管 系统采用 Gr.1 钛手工制作,以减轻重量。

用于保时捷 911 Carrera / 4 / S / 4S (992) 的 iPE Valvetronic 系统允许用户通过 OEM Valve 操作调整 排气管 音符。

警告 - 购买前,请确认您的车辆是否为 OPF 版本。谢谢

Porsche 992 Carrera / 4 / S / 4S Titanium 排气管 system Product Details

▶ 完整的 排气管 系统

▶ 后退 排气管 系统:
▸ Valvetronic 消音器

▶ Valvetronic 控制系统:
▸ OEM 阀门操作

警告披露 - 请在安装前仔细阅读!

1.安装过程中的不当调整可能会对 iPE 排气管 系统和/或您的车辆造成短期或永久性损坏。请注意,iPE 将不对车辆的任何损坏负责,如果由于安装不当造成损坏,iPE 产品的保修将失效。如果发生事故、改装、不当或竞争使用。如果您对安装 iPE 排气管 系统有任何疑问,请联系您购买的 iPE 授权经销商。

2. 制造商、进口商或经销商不对包括人身伤害在内的任何附带损害或因 iPE 排气管 系统安装或操作不当造成的任何其他损害承担责任。安装 iPE 排气管 系统时,请确保 排气管 系统不会与可能导致其熔化的电线接触。

3. iPE 排气管 保证 iPE 排气管 的完整保修系统的总期限为 1 年——从发票上注明的购买日期开始。 (保修仅适用于通过 iPE 或 iPE 授权经销商购买的 排气管 系统。)

所有电子元件 - 1 年保修。

iPE 200 Cell High Flow Sport Cat Pipes – 1 Year Warranty.

Cat-bypass Pipes (Catless) - 我们推荐 ECU 调整,因为我们不会为 CEL 提供保修(检查引擎灯) 更改为 Cat 旁路管道时。

iPE 尾嘴 - 我们强烈建议用户不要用强酸和强碱有机溶剂清洗。



如果 iPE 排气管 系统是在 iPE 未获得授权的国家/地区购买的,则保修将不适用。

有关 iPE 保修政策的更多信息:

请注意,iPE 网站上显示的所有图片仅供参考和说明仅供参考。实际产品可能因产品增强或更改而有所不同。 iPE保留对产品进行修改、变更、解释的权利。

The iconic flyline and the elegant roof line have characterized the Porsche 911 Carrera since 1963. In 2018, Porsche released its latest 911 Carrera, the 992. The iPE Exhaust system for the Porsche 911 Carrera / 4 / S / 4S (992) is designed and engineered to enhance gas flow and maximize performance gain. Highlighting the exhaust note from its turbo-charged Flat-six engine. This iPE exhaust system is handcrafted with Gr.1 Titanium for weight reduction purposes.

iPE Valvetronic system for the Porsche 911 Carrera / 4 / S / 4S (992) allows users to adjust the exhaust note through OEM Valve operation.

WARNING - Prior to purchase, please confirm if your vehicle is an OPF version. Thank you.

Full Exhaust system:
Catback Exhaust System:
1. Valvetronic Muffler

Valvetronic Control system:
1. OEM Valve operation

WARNING DISCLOSURE - Please read carefully prior to installation!

1.Improper adjustments made during installation may result in short-term or permanent damages to the iPE exhaust system and/or your vehicle. Please note, iPE will not be responsible for any damages to the vehicle, and warranties on iPE product(s) will be voided if the damages occurred due to improper installation.The warranty will also be voided in case of accidents, modifications, improper or competition uses. If you have any questions regarding installing an iPE exhaust system please contact the iPE authorized dealer you purchased from.

2. The manufacturer, importer or dealer shall not be liable for any incidental damage including personal injury or any other damages caused by improper installation or operation of the iPE exhaust system. When installing the iPE exhaust system, please ensure that the exhaust system does not make contact with wires that might cause it to melt.

3. iPE Exhaust guarantees full warranty of iPE exhaust systems for a total period of 1 year – starting from the date of purchase noted on the invoice. (Warranty is only applicable to exhaust systems purchased via iPE or iPE authorized dealers.)

All electronic components – 1 Year Warranty.

iPE 200 Cell High Flow Sport Cat Pipes – 1 Year Warranty.

Cat-bypass Pipes (Catless) - We recommend an ECU tune as we will NOT provide warranty for CEL (Check Engine Light) when changing to Cat-bypass Pipes.

iPE Exhaust Tips - We highly recommend users, DO NOT wash with strong acid and strong based organic solvent.

Warranties are non-transferable.

Warranty is limited to an exchange or repair of the defective part, full system will not be replaced unless required.

Warranty will not be applicable if the iPE exhaust system is purchased in a country where iPE is not authorized.

For more information regarding iPE warranty policy:

Please note, all images shown on iPE’s website are for reference and illustration purposes only. Actual products may vary due to product enhancement or change. iPE reserves the right to revise, change, explain the product.