兰博基尼 Huracán Performante <tc>排气管</tc> 系统

兰博基尼 Huracán Performante 排气管 系统

Year 2022 - Present

  • OPF / Non OPF
  • 全球运送
  • 1年保修
Catback System

Huracán Performanté 采用 iPE Innotech Performance 排气管 系统精制而成,可在需要时通过按下按钮产生极其响亮和激进的声音以及舒适安静的巡航。我们的 Valvetronic 排气管 提供动力和动态阀门控制驾驶座。完整的系统包括远程控制 3 种不同模式的能力:开、关和自动。在开模式下,阀门完全打开以获得最大流量和功率,并发出独特而令人惊叹的声音。在关闭模式下,阀门关闭,体积减小,以实现舒适的巡航。自动模式使系统能够检测发动机转速和油门踏板信号,以自动调整气门运动以获得动态驾驶体验。

警告 - 请在安装前仔细阅读这些披露信息!

1.安装过程中的不当调整可能会对 iPE 排气管 系统和/或您的车辆造成短期或永久性损坏。
iPE 将不对车辆的任何损坏负责,如果由于安装不当造成损坏,我们的产品保修将失效。如果您在安装系统时遇到任何问题,请联系您的授权经销商!

2. 制造商、进口商或经销商不对包括人身伤害在内的任何附带损害或因 iPE 排气管 系统安装或操作不当造成的任何其他损害承担责任。安装 iPE 排气管 系统时,注意不要让 排气管 系统接触到其他对高温敏感的部件。

3. iPE对因iPE 排气管系统安装、使用和维护不当造成的损坏不作任何陈述或保证。保修仅限于我们技术部门认可的缺陷和正常使用的缺陷,不包括正常磨损的物品(垫圈和阻尼棉)。如果发生事故、修改、不当使用或竞争使用,则保修失效。

*实际产品可能因产品增强而有所不同。 iPE保留对产品进行修改、变更、解释的权利。

WARNING DISCLOSURE - Please read carefully prior to installation!

1. Improper adjustments made during installation may result in short-term or permanent damages to the iPE exhaust system and/or your vehicle. Please note, iPE will not be responsible for any damages to the vehicle, and warranties on iPE product(s) will be voided if the damages occurred due to improper installation.The warranty will also be voided in case of accidents, modifications, improper or competition uses. If you have any questions regarding installing an iPE exhaust system please contact the iPE authorized dealer you purchased from.

2. The manufacturer, importer or dealer shall not be liable for any incidental damage including personal injury or any other damages caused by improper installation or operation of the iPE exhaust system. When installing the iPE exhaust system, please ensure that the exhaust system does not make contact with wires that might cause it to melt.

3. iPE Exhaust guarantees full warranty of iPE exhaust systems for a total period of 1 year – starting from the date of purchase noted on the invoice. (Warranty is only applicable to exhaust systems purchased via iPE or iPE authorized dealers.)

All electronic components – 1 Year Warranty.

iPE 200 Cell High Flow Sport Cat Pipes – 1 Year Warranty.

Cat-bypass Pipes (Catless) - We recommend an ECU tune as we will NOT provide warranty for CEL (Check Engine Light) when changing to Cat-bypass Pipes.

iPE Exhaust Tips - We highly recommend users, DO NOT wash with strong acid and strong based organic solvent.

Warranties are non-transferable.

Warranty is limited to an exchange or repair of the defective part, full system will not be replaced unless required.

Warranty will not be applicable if the iPE exhaust system is purchased in a country where iPE is not authorized.

For more information regarding iPE warranty policy:


Please note, all images shown on iPE’s website are for reference and illustration purposes only. Actual products may vary due to product enhancement or change. iPE reserves the right to revise, change, explain the product.